Cut Off Dates for Christmas 2021 Delivery

Cut Off Dates for Christmas 2021 Delivery

It is that time of year when sales ramp up and your customers rely on you more than ever, to get their order delivered before Christmas. Kitpak Fulfillment wants you to know that the cut off dates for Christmas 2021 delivery published by many carriers are for use as a guideline only.

This year, extenuating circumstances may impact the normal holiday season delivery schedules for many carriers. Heavy rains from atmospheric rivers have caused severe flooding, mud slides and highway/railway washouts in British Columbia and the Maritime provinces. This has resulted in a significant backlog of freight that will take some time to clear, compounding an already backlogged and stressed supply chain.

With the uncertainty in the supply chain and weather events caused by factors out of their control, most carriers will provide some guidance on cut-off dates for Christmas 2021 delivery, but without the normal guarantee.

Here are the Christmas shipping cut-off dates from several carriers. For further information about cut off dates for Christmas 2021 delivery, please contact Kitpak Fulfillment today.





The Kitpak Fulfillment distribution center in Winnipeg, Manitoba is ideally located for reaching all points in North America quickly and inexpensively. To find out more about how Kitpak Fulfillment can help you meet your customer delivery commitments, please contact us today.

1615 Inkster Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 1R2
(204) 471-8251

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